Strategic Plan

StratML Query Services

Strategic Business Unit

StratML Query Service Development Team (SQSDT)

Plan Details

Plan period: from 17/11/2021 

This plan outlines the goals and objectives of a basic StratML query service.

Plan submitted by:

Owen Ambur

  • Owen Ambur (Responsible) :

    Owen is the primary proponent of the plan and aims to carry it out if the cost to develop and sustain the service is reasonable.

  • Kurt Conrad (Responsible) :

    Kurt has technical skills that may be valuable in executing our plan.

  • Chris Fox (Responsible) :

    Chris may need to help us use his app to flesh out our plan so that it leads to realization of the intended results.

  • Adnan Akbar (Responsible) :

    Adnan has technical skills that may be valuable in executing our plan.


  • Turn-Key Systems Pty Ltd (Responsible) :

    Provision of conversion service that creates styled PDF for StratML converted documents.

  • (Responsible) :

    Provision of tool for collaboratively mapping out goals, objectives, plans and supporting insights (in live StratML outputable format).

Other Groups:

  • StratML Community (Responsible)


Lean Canvas

Business Model Canvas

Key Partners


As a more business-oriented "social" networking service, LinkedIn is a potental partner in supporting StratML-enabled query services.

Charity Ratings Agencies

Charitable rating organizations share our interest in making performance data readily available to stakeholders.

GuideStar by Candid

For a number of years GuideStar has awarded its highest (platinum seal) rating to charities reporting any performance meterics on GuideStar's website and their 2030 vision contemplates the establishment of a comprehensive set of open data standards.  Prior to joining Candid, their new CEO authored a book entitled Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good and she expressed interest in exploring prospects for collaboration.

Charity Navigator

Among four "beacons" awarded in Charity Navigator's new Encompass rating system is one for impact and results.  However, their previous 3.0 initiative failed because they tried to collect too much information at once, a risk that may be repeated in their new rating system.

StratML Tool, App & Service Providers

A SaaS solution for developing and executing business strategies, which is also able to import and export said strategies from and to StratML format.

Value Chain

PESTEL Analysis


  • The lack of conformance at government level with Section 10 of the GPRA modernization Act (GPRAMA) means that it is less likely that other organizations will adopt the standard




  • People don't understand why they should document their plan in an open, standard, machine-readable format.







Porter's Five Forces Analysis

Threat of substitutes


Bargaining power of suppliers




Bargaining power of buyers

  • The lack of conformance at government level with Section 10 of the GPRA modernization Act (GPRAMA) means that it is less likely that other organizations will adopt the standard

Threat of new entrants


SWOT Analysis


  • By contrast to existing query services, which are based upon immature, poorly structured information and proprietary algorithms, StratML query services will be based upon an international standard (ISO 17469-1) for the documentation of goals, objectives, and stakeholders.
  • It will allow users to easily compare the performance of different organizations in a common format


  • What's needed are partners with the technical capabilities to develop the necessary query services.
  • StratML is invisible to the stakeholders (including investors and charity contributors). They are not holding organizations accountable to report in machine-readable format.


  • Good query services enabling suppliers, partners, and customers to connect far more effectively on the basis of common and complementary objectives hold the potential to capture a significant share of the revenue currently wasted on inefficient advertising and marketing activities.
  • The lack of conformance at government level with Section 10 of the GPRA modernization Act (GPRAMA) means that it is less likely that other organizations will adopt the standard


  • People don't understand why they should document their plan in an open, standard, machine-readable format.
  • Various attempts have been made to develop StratML query services but none of them has thus far met the basic requirements. There is a risk that this effort will fall short as well.
  • Ultimately, the biggest threat is that others will develop new and better services than we are able to provide. However, that is an outcome the project sponsor would welcome.
  • It may be that in reality people and organizations don't actually care to collaborate more efficiently and effectively, particularly if it means they personally might be held accountable for results that are and are not produced.

Competitive Environment

Competitor Categories

Advertisers & Marketers

Advertisers and marketers rely upon the difficulty in connecting producers with potential customers.  StratML-enabled services hold the potential to revolutionize the advertizing and marketing paradigm and thus constitute a threat to the incumbents.



As Mark Zuckerberg told an ill-informed U.S. senator, Facebook relies upon advertizing revenue.  If new and better means emerge to connect customers to products and services they desire, Facebook's business model may be at risk of creative destruction as advertizers turn to more open, nonproprietary means of attracting business.


Google's business proposition relies upon the inefficiency of others, in posting immature, unstructured information on the Web.  If the Web were populated with valid XML instance documents, much of Google's competitive advantage would disappear as new and better discovery services emerge. Site

Here's how the site describes itself: is a window into the performance of the Federal Government. By law, Federal agencies will report information and rich data about the progress they’re making to achieve ambitious goals on behalf of the American people. Our mission is to make this information easy to find and understand, so that you can follow what your government is doing about the issues essential to your family, community, or business. Come back soon for more!



Users can quickly and easily discover goals and objectives of interest to them


To develop a basic StratML query service


unnamed value

unnamed value

unnamed value

unnamed value



Goal Statement: Enable faceted querying and discovery of discrete elements of StratML documents


  • Goals & Objectives
  • Stakeholders
  • Values


Goal Statement: Display in query results the relevant elements necessary to enable users to identify those more relevant to their interests

All faceted query results should return direct links to the queried elements within the context of the documents in which they occur. Besides those links, it may also be appropriate for the results listings to display the names of the relevant plans/reports and/or the names of the organizations issuing them.


  • Stakeholders
  • Names & Descriptions
  • Hyperlinks
  • Organizations


Goal Statement: Support importation of StratML files, individually and in bulk.

The initial data set should be the existing StratML collection, comprising more that 5,000 files.


  • Stakeholders



Action Description Due Date Completed
Lance Wassmuth will check whether Turnkey Systems have a current project with GPO. If not he will have an internal call with Collin to see if he is willing to raise it during our next project with them. Then he will tell Owen Ambur False


Issue Description Next Review Date Resolved
Multiple, slightly different version of this plan

See for example, this one, published at

and this one, now circulated by Owen 

23/09/2022 False


Charity Navigator

Among four "beacons" awarded in Charity Navigator's new Encompass rating system is one for impact and results.  However, their previous 3.0 initiative failed because they tried to collect too much information at once, a risk that may be repeated in their new rating system.

Government Publishing Office (GPO)

See StratML plans at 

GuideStar by Candid

For a number of years GuideStar has awarded its highest (platinum seal) rating to charities reporting any performance meterics on GuideStar's website and their 2030 vision contemplates the establishment of a comprehensive set of open data standards.  Prior to joining Candid, their new CEO authored a book entitled Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good and she expressed interest in exploring prospects for collaboration.

A SaaS solution for developing and executing business strategies, which is also able to import and export said strategies from and to StratML format.

Turn-Key Systems Pty Ltd

Turnkey Systems has developed a StratML stylesheet which is applied via their automated XML Publishing engine. It can output to PDF, epub, HTML5, SCORM, and webPDF.

Turnkey Systems has also developed TopLeaf which is a high-performance XML publishing solution.


Lance Wassmuth

Lance is the Managing Director of Turn-Key Systems.  Turn-Key currently provides a free conversion service (to Owen/Strat ML Founder) that creates the styled PDF output from the XML 

You can create, execute and optionally publish your own strategy plan for free at