The network becomes ubiquitous and invisible

'Online' and 'Connectivity' ar the big winners of this crisis.

Estimates of internet usage are up 40% since the start of the year across major economies, especially in sectors including retail, education, healthcare, leisure, and entertainment - Google's top three searches in the U.S. through 12 April are Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon. (Source: Industry Voice: Post-COVID Economy: Not the Way We We)

Digital networks will become more pervasive. They will become a basic requirement to support economic and social activity. Broadband and 5G will become core utilities.

Ultimately, like electricity or even air, they become omnipresent and therefore largely invisible They become something that is just there without us being particularly aware of it - until it's not.

Capacity planning for network bandwidth and energy consumption will have to be adjusted to increase capacity in dispersed urban home-based networks (as opposed to centralised office environments).


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