The Stakeholder Bookmarklet allows you easy access to your stakeholder records in from any web-based email (like Gmail or Outlook for web) or CRM (like ActiveCampaign or Hubspot) programme.
How it works:
Simply click on the bookmarklet from any page which contains "mailto:" email references. will search all of your projects for any stakeholders with those email addresses, and display their names and the projects they're in. Simply click on a name to open the Stakeholder record. From there, you have access to any Actions, Initiatives, Insights, etc. that the stakeholder is associated with.
This makes it easy to keep your strategies up to date right from within your email client.
To install:
- Desktop/laptop: Drag this link >> Find stakeholder by email << to your bookmarks bar.
- iPad/iPhone: create a new bookmark and replace the link address with this text
javascript:function isElementVisible(n){if(n instanceof HTMLElement){var t=window.getComputedStyle(n);return t.display==="none"?!1:n.parentNode?isElementVisible(n.parentNode):!0}return!0}emailList=[];anchorTags=document.getElementsByTagName("a");for(let n=0;n<anchorTags.length;n++)href=anchorTags[n].getAttribute("href"),href&&href.startsWith("mailto:")&&(email=href.substring(7),emailList.push(email));anchorTags=document.getElementsByTagName("span");for(let n=0;n<anchorTags.length;n++)email=anchorTags[n].getAttribute("email"),email&&email.length>4&&isElementVisible(anchorTags[n])&&emailList.push(email);uniqueEmailsSet=new Set(emailList);uniqueEmailsArray=Array.from(uniqueEmailsSet);console.log("Invoking integration for",uniqueEmailsArray);url=`${encodeURIComponent(uniqueEmailsArray.join(","))}`;,"_blank");
into it.
See also: