Gmail and G Suite email Integration

Gmail or G Suite users can send a search for emails to or from Person stakeholders directly from

Users with Gmail or G Suite email addresses can make use of our Gmail integration.

The Gmail integration comes into play on the Person type Stakeholder screens.

Email buttonsTo icons will appear next to the Email address field as shown to the right:

  • Clicking on the 'magnifying glass' icon will search your Gmail folders for any emails to or from that address.
  • Clicking the 'letter' icon will start composing a new email to that email address.*

To enable Gmail integration, select 'Gmail' on the 'Email integrations' option list on the 'Account settings' screen:

  1. Click on your name or email address on the top right corner of the screen to open the dropdown menu.
  2. Click '"Account settings".
  3. Select "Gmail" on the "Email integration" screen.
  4. Click "Submit"

* Note: to be able to use the 'letter' icon to start composing emails in Gmail, you will first need to set Gmail as your browser's default email client. This will apply to all websites, not just

Users of other email systems, such as Microsoft Outlook, will still be able to click on the 'letter' icon to start composing emails, but won't be able to search for emails.

See also:

If any part of this text is not clear to you, please contact our support team for assistance.

© 2024

Updated: 2024-02-26
