The "Strategy House"

The "Strategy House" is a simple but effective way to summarise and communicate some key aspects of your strategy.


  1. How the Strategy House works
  2. Starting a Strategy House for a new project
  3. Sorting elements on the Strategy House
  4. Adding a fourth Pillar to the Strategy House
  5. Video Demonstration
  6. Where to find the strategy house

The "Strategy House" is a simple but effective way to communicate your strategy.

Example Strategy HouseHow the Strategy House works

  1. The "roof" is your mission statement.
  2. Each of the "pillars" represents a key theme of the strategy. Each pillar is 3 "stories" tall.
    1. The top story is the theme itself. A strategy typically has 3-5 themes. Less than 3 and the strategy will lack definition. More than 5 and it may be too complex for most people to get their heads around easily. Most importantly, though, the themes should be interrelated and mutually reinforcing rather than completely independent.
    2. The second story is the goals that make up the theme. What will success look like for that theme?
    3. The ground story is the strategic initiatives which will deliver the theme. How will you do it?
  3. The foundation of the house is your shared corporate values.

Because is a repository-based tool, the mission statement, themes, goals, initiatives and values are the same ones that appear all the other frameworks and models in the tool. And, of course, you can click on any of them to provide more detail, link them to other elements of your strategy, and discuss them with your colleagues.

Empty Strategy HouseStarting a Strategy House for a new project

If you add a Strategy House to a new project it will create a blank canvas inviting you to click on any element to start adding the detail. (An empty house, ready for you to move your strategy into!) This makes it a great tool for starting a new project for an existing strategy - you'll have captured the bones of your existing strategy in in next to no time. And then you can build it out from there.

Sorting elements on the Strategy House

  • You can sort the columns by dragging and dropping the Theme names at the top of each column.
  • You can sort Goals and Initiatives within the columns by dragging and dropping them.
  • You can sort the Shared Values by dragging and dropping them.

Adding a fourth Pillar to the Strategy House

The Strategy House starts with 3 columns by default. But you can add a fourth or even fifth one if you need.

To add another pillar:
  • Add or select a Goal or Initiative which you want to include in that pillar.
  • Open that Goal or Initiative and scroll down to where it says "Add theme(s)" and click on it.
  • Type the name of the additional pillar and press Enter.
The additional Theme thus created should then appear as a pillar on your Strategy House.

Video Demonstration

Watch a short video demonstration of the Strategy House.

Where to find the strategy house

To find your strategy house:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select the project you want to work with.
  3. Click on "Direction" on the main menu.
  4. Click on "Strategy House" on the model selector at the top of the screen.

If any part of this text is not clear to you, please contact our support team for assistance.

© 2024

Updated: 2024-06-10
