Strategy is a collaborative exercise

Share your projects with your team for greater collaboration and better results.


  1. How to share a project
  2. How to see who has access to a project
  3. What happens when someone else makes changes to a project?
  4. What happens if two people try to make changes to the same content at the same time?
  5. Collaborating across timezones

CollaborationTwo brains are better than one. And four hands are better than two. works best when you use it with other people.

Most teams collaborate on strategy work by emailing each other Word documents, PowerPoint decks or Excel workbooks. Whilst that is fine in many instances, it does not foster collaboration as people quickly lose track of who has the latest version, and who made which changes.

StratNavApp is purpose-built to address these challenges. With all your strategic insights managed in a central, structured database, StratNavApp tracks who changed what and when. What's more, it will email you summaries of any changes your teammates make within projects they share with you, ensuring you always stay up to date with the latest changes. Don't worry, you won't be bombarded with emails - you'll only receive at most one email a day summarising all of the changes.

How to share a project

You can share individual projects with specific people by following these simple steps:

  1. If you're not already logged in, log in to now, and click on the project name - this should be the second item on the main menu, towards the top left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the "Share" link on the pulldown menu.
  3. Simply enter the email addresses of the people with whom you'd like to share the project. If you wish, you can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas or semi-colons. You can enter plain email addresses, like "", or email addresses with display names, like "Your Name <>".
  4. If you wish to, you can customise the invitation message they'll receive from you. But that is optional - you can simply use the default message if that is easier.
  5. Then press the "Invite" button and StratNavApp will take care of the rest.

What happens next? Each of your teammates (collaborators or stakeholders) will receive an email from StratNavApp with instructions on how to sign up. As soon as they do (using the same email address as you provided) they get their own account and login details which will be connected to your project and the sharing can begin!

Why not give it a go now and see how easy and powerful it is for yourself?

How to see who has access to a project

You can see who has access to a project at any time.

  1. If you're not already logged in, log in to now, and click on the project name - this should be the second item on the main menu, towards the top left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the "Share" link on the pulldown menu.
  3. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see the email addresses of everyone who has access to the project.
  4. Below that, you will see the email addresses of everyone who has been invited to access the project but has not yet accepted their invitation.

You will also see options to cancel individual users' access to the project, or to withdraw invitations to access the project which have not yet been accepted.

NB: Only those people who have access to a project will be able to see its contents.

What happens when someone else makes changes to a project?

When someone else edits anything in a project or posts a note against anything in a project:

  1. Their change is logged in the notes of the item. Make sure you have "Show system logs" set "on" to see the change logs for each item in the system.
  2. If you're logged into the system at the time, you will see a popup alerting you to the change. You can click on the alert to navigate directly to the page they've just changed to review and collaborate.
  3. A new record will be logged on your Recent Updates page and the "red dot" counter at the top right of the screen will be incremented.
    • You can clear these 'red dots' by navigating to the Recent Updates page and clicking on either
      • each individual red dot shown down the left-hand side of the page
      • the "view/contribute" link within each update item.
  4. You will receive an email each morning informing you of the number of new updates since the previous email. (NB: If you have unsubscribed from emails from, then you will not receive this email notification.)

If you have more than one project on, then 2, 3 and 4 above will operate across all of your projects. You won't need to check on each project individually.

What happens if two people try to make changes to the same content at the same time?

Whenever a user is busy editing (typing into) an entry field, that entry field will be 'locked' for other users until they click or tab out of that field again.

Locked fields appear with a yellow background.

You can learn more about field locking and locked fields at locked fields.

Collaborating across timezones

This can be especially challenging. Luckily, has you covered. See Collaborating across time zones.

If any part of this text is not clear to you, please contact our support team for assistance.

© 2024

Updated: 2024-07-19
