Strategy isn't difficult, it's just a lot of work

Discover why strategy isn’t as difficult as it seems, but requires significant work. Learn practical steps to simplify strategy development on

Strategy Isn't Difficult quoteThe title of this blog comes from a quote from strategist Alexis Mather: "Strategy isn't difficult. It's just a lot of work."

Let's unpack that:

Strategy isn't difficult

There is no 'secret sauce' to doing strategy. No magic formula.

(If someone is trying to sell you their secret formula, be cautious!)

Most of strategy can be done using a relatively simple set of tried and tested frameworks and using them well. is built on this principle. All of the tools and frameworks included in the platform are well-known, tried and tested. Most (but not all) have been around for decades. SWOT analysis, for example, has been around since the '60s.

What offers is:

  1. The support - including automation and AI - to use them well.
  2. A way of integrating them together, so that the whole is greater than the sum of the value of each of the individual frameworks.
  3. A process for driving you through the strategy development and execution life-cycle in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.

Strategy is a lot of work

Unfortunately, the underlying simplicity of strategy causes a lot of people to undertake it superficially.

They get a few people in a room to do a quick SWOT, make a few decisions, and declare the job done.

But, good strategy requires significant, ongoing and diligent work. Gathering evidence to support your hypotheses, assertions and assumptions. Digging deep to understand the potential impacts of internal and external factors on the future success of the organisation. Casting the net wide to gather as many perspectives as possible and to increase alignment and buyin from different stakeholder groups. Remaining constantly vigilant to changing circumstances, re-evaluating your analysis and decisions when they change, and adjusting your strategy when it's appropriate to do so. It's a constant process of deliberation, testing and learning.

This is because strategy does not happen in a vacuum. The world continues to change. And it also responds to your strategy - as soon as you do something the world will react. Sometimes, that reaction is positive, for example when customers like your offering. Other times, it is more challenging, such as when competitors respond to neutralise or defeat your strategy. So strategy is never 'done'. It is a never-ending journey.

Even without all of this, strategy involves thinking. And, as Daniel Kahnemann showed in his seminal book "Thinking Fast and Slow", thinking is hard.

So, people shy away from all of this because it is a lot of work. serves to lift some of the burden of that process to make it easier where it can. Using automation and AI to help you do it more easily and more consistently. Using collaboration to gather multiple perspectives and keep everyone on the same page. Breaking it down into simple steps the flow and build logically on each other.

Going without strategy is even harder!

However, if you think strategy is hard, just imagine how much harder it is to succeed without it!

Flying blind. Everyone heading in different directions, based on different and untested assumptions. Relying on blink luck and good fortune.


Strategy may not be complex, but it requires skill, dedication, consistency, and attention to detail to be effective. It's the work you put into it that defines its success.

So, if you're struggling with your strategy, give a try. There are free and paid plans available. You'll be surprised at how quickly you can achieve greater clarity, more focus and alignment, and better results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is strategy difficult to develop?

Strategy isn’t inherently difficult, but it requires a lot of work. The challenge lies more in the effort and consistency needed to develop and execute a successful strategy.

What makes strategy development challenging?

The challenge in strategy development comes from the detailed work involved, including analysing data, setting clear objectives, and aligning the organisation. It’s a process that demands both effort and discipline.

How can I simplify the strategy development process?

You can simplify strategy development by breaking it down into manageable steps, using tools like to collaborate, track progress, and ensure alignment across the organisation.

What is the importance of consistency in strategy execution?

Consistency is crucial in strategy execution because it ensures that all efforts are aligned towards the same objectives. Regular review and adaptation help maintain focus and respond to changes effectively.

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© 2024

Published: 2024-08-14  |  Updated: 2024-08-14
