Are you frustrated because:

  • You're working hard, doing all the right things. Every time, you make a little progress. But taken together, your efforts don't seem to be driving the transformational growth you always hope for?
  • Your colleagues and staff just don't just don't seem to get the programme. Sometimes it almost seems as if they're working against each other?
  • Too often, you're caught by surprise when things go wrong, or only spot opportunities once the door has been closed?
  • You know what you should be doing, but somehow more urgent things always seem to take over?

If those are your problems, then a clear and communicated business strategy is the solution.

But strategy is complicated, right? You need to pay expensive consultants to do it for you?

Well, good strategy isn't easy. If it was, everybody would be doing it. But luckily, is here to help. brings you:

  • Strategy best practice using tried and tested models and frameworks
  • Links between the models and framework to ensure your strategic logic is sound
  • In an easy-to-use online tool
  • On screen help at each step of the way, with additional links to helpful articles
  • Collaboration tools to get your team involved
  • High-quality output in MS-Word format at the press of a button
  • Availability anytime, anywehere on your computer, tablet or smart phone
  • Secure using SSL and salted password hashing

With you can:

  • Clearly define your business model using the Business Model Canvas.
  • Examine each element of your business model, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats they face.
  • Summarise the above in familiar SWOT, PESTEL, McKinsey 7-S and Porter 5 Forces models
  • Manage uncertainty about the future using scenarios.
  • Understand how your business differentiates itself from the competition using Competitor Analysis and the Blue Ocean Strategy Strategy Canvas.
  • Set clear Goals and Objectives based on this insight.
  • Develop Plans to achieve your Goals and Objectives - check that they are aligned and contain a mix of things that will make a difference right now and more transformational change.
  • Establish clear Accountabilities - who will do what and by when.
  • Track delivery of your plans, AND the results using a dashboard of KPIs linked to your goals and objectives.
  • Regularly review and update your strategy - is an interactive system, not just a strategy document gathering dust on your shelf.
  • Easily keep everyone in the loop.

Why not take control of your business destiny, and sign up for your free account right now? There is no credit card required, and your free access won't expire.

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