Derisk your startup

AI-Powered Platform for Planning and Execution.

  • Turn your great product idea into a great business idea with integrated:
    • Lean Canvas
    • Business Model Canvas
    • Customer Proposition Map
  • Validate your business idea before you start building
  • Build and launch your startup
  • Stay on track as you scale up
  • All the tools and support you need in one place: integrated, collaborative, online.
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From startup through scaleup to success with

Turn your great product idea into a great business idea

  • Integrated Lean Canvas for idea validation
  • Integrated Business Model Canvas and Customer Proposition Map for Product Market Fit
  • Share and collaborate with co-founders, mentors and other trusted advisors
Image of Business Model and Value Proposition Canvases
Image of chart

Validate, build, launch and scale

  • Integrated tools for managing and co-ordinating all the activities you need from initial idea to success
  • AI, guidance and automation to help you along the way
  • An end-to-end platform for strategy development and execution that can grow with your business - all the way

All the tools you need in one place

  • No more cobbling together disconnected templates in Powerpoint/Word.
  • Everything integrated to ensure consistency and identify insights.
  • Access anywhere any time (including on your phone on the go).
  • Collaborative to encourage teamwork while keeping everyone on the same page.
Picture of woodworking tools

Manage all 4 stages of Strategy Development and Execution in one place


Generate strategic insights using the most popular strategy frameworks, such as:
  • Business Model Canvas
  • Customer Proposition Map
  • Lean Canvas
  • The McKinsey 7S Framework
  • PESTEL Analysis
  • Porter's 5 Forces
  • SWOT Analysis
  • The Strategy Canvas
  • The BCG Matrix
  • Value Chain
  • Scenario Development


Express your strategy clearly in terms of:
  • Vision, mission and values.
  • Strategic goals, objectives, KPIs and targets in each of the 4 perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard.
  • "Strategy House" communication device.


Plan the steps you need to take to execute your strategy:
  • Balance your key initiatives across the 3 Planning Horizons.
  • Plan for growth using Ansoff's Matrix.
  • Manage your initiatives through the evaluation, prioritisation and approval cycle.
  • Agree costs and benefits, relative to your goals.
  • Build your Execution Roadmap with a Gantt View.
  • Map your initiatives against your goals to confirm alignment and completeness.
  • Test your initiatives against your scenarios for robustness.


Make sure your strategy delivers the intended results, or make adjustments where required.
  • Track your KPIs on a graphical Scorecard.
  • Feed the results back into your analysis.


Govern the development and execution of your strategy effectively:
  • Use a RAID Log, including a Risk Matrix.
  • Manage your Stakeholders.
  • Plan and record Meetings.

Don't rely on ad hoc processes and general-purpose office software for business strategy.

Join the #StratTech Revolution.

Access your projects from anywhere, on any device

Picture: on different device forms.

Payment Plans

Standard Premium Enterprise
Price (per seat): Choose your currency: 
£10.00 per month (GBP) per user £50.00 per month (GBP)
Number of projects Up to 3 No limit No limit
Number of users per project Up to 5 No limit No limit
  • Business Model Canvas, PESTEL, 5-Forces, 7S, SWOT, Strategy Canvas, Pareto, BCG, Scenarios, Value chain
  • Insight filter
  • Scenario builder
  • Vision, Mission and Values
  • Goals, Objectives and KPIs
  • KPI Targets
Up to 3 per KPI No limit No limit
  • KPI Actuals
Up to 3 per KPI No limit No limit
  • Strategy House
  • KPI Correlations
Planning: Initiatives, Timeline/Roadmap/Gantt, 3 Horizons, Ansoff Matrix, Approval Stage Gates, RASCI, Scenario and Goal Mapping, Status Reporting
  • Financial Projection: BAU Revenues, Expenses, Operating Profit and Strategic Initiatives
For up to 3 strategic initiatives only.
  • Download Cost Projection to Microsoft Excel
Results: Strategic scorecard
Governance: Stakeholders, Meeting Management, RAID log and Risk Matrix
Search: Your strategy content as well as our blogs about how to use the system and how to develop and execute business strategy Within one project at a time Within one project at a time or across all projects Within one project at a time or across all projects
Personal Calendar and Actions: See all your meetings and actions across all your projects.
Calendar Integrations: Add strategy meetings from to your calendar.
  • Google Calendar
  • iCal for Outlook
CRM Integrations: Integrate with your existing CRM system
  • HubSpot
  • ActiveCampaign
Web Clipper: Bookmarklet for snipping content from the web.
(first 3 months only)
LinkedIn Integration: Access stakeholders directly from their Linkedin profiles.
(first 3 months only)
Autosave Interval: Make sure your work is never lost, even if you lose connection. 60 seconds 30 seconds 10 seconds
Generative AI: Let our #StratBot generate suggested content for you to review and edit. Up to 5 uses (total). Up to 5 uses (within any 30 day period).
File Vault: Upload and link files and images where they belong. Includes Microsoft SharePoint integration.
API integrations: Connect your existing systems to
MSWord Reports: Generate reports at the click of a button. Standard Template Customisable Template Customisable Template
StratML ouput: Part 1 and Part 2
Support by Zoom
Payment methods Credit card or Paypal Credit card, Paypal or UK invoice branded output


Free (forever)

  • Up to 3 projects.
  • Up to 5 users per project.
  • Analysis: Business Model Canvas, PESTEL, 5-Forces, 7S, SWOT, Strategy Canvas, Pareto, BCG, Scenarios, Value chain.
  • Direction: Vision, Mission and Values; Goals, Objectives and KPIs; Up to 3 targets per KPI and up to 12 actuals per KPI.
  • Planning: initiatives, timeline, 3 horizons, approval cycle, RASCI, initiative goal matrix and initiative scenario matrix.
  • Search: within one project at a time.
  • StratML output: parts 1 and 2.
  • Web clipper: bookmarklet for snipping content from the web (first 3 months only).
  • MS-Word reports generate reports at the click of a button. Standard template only.
Currency: Choose your currency: 


£10.00 per month (GBP) per user

Everything in the Standard plan, plus:

  • Unlimited number of projects.
  • Unlimited number of users per project.
  • Analysis: insights fileter and scanario builder.
  • Direction: unlimited KPI targets and actuals. Strategy House.
  • Search: within one project at a time or across all projects.
  • Personal Calendar and Actions: see all your meetings and actions across all your pojects.
  • Calendar Integrations: add strategy meetings from to your calendar for Google Calendar or iCal for Outlook.
  • MS-Word reports: customisable templates.
  • Support by Zoom.
  • Payment methods: Credit card or Paypal.


£50.00 per month (GBP) per user

Everything in the Premium plan, plus:

  • File Vault: upload and link files and images where they belowng. Includes Microsoft SharePoint integration.
  • API integrations: connect your existing systems to
  • Generative AI: let our #StratBot generate suggested content for your to review and edit.
  • Payment methods: Credit card, Paypal or UK invoice.
  • Calculate KPI correlations.

We also offer a range of services providing you with as much or as little extra help as you need.

Used by over 400 organisations in 115 countries.

Image of Simon Krystman

This platform is perfect for founders who want to create a Launch Plan
This platform is perfect for founders wanting to launch a business and create a robust Launch Plan. It's the interactive nature of the platform that makes it perfect for business coaching. The online help resources and AI driven approach make StratNavApp the best startup business tool I've seen👏.

Simon Krystman, Serial Entrepreneur & Mentor for Startups 🚀 Specialising in Idea Validation and Product-Market Fit

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