Adding pictures to stakeholders

Make your strategies more personal by adding pictures to person/stakeholder records.

Strategy involves working with real people, not just faceless names.

Adding pictures of people to their stakeholder records is a great way to do this.

There are two ways to add pictures to people's stakeholder records:

  1. by dragging and dropping a picture from any website.
    1. Go to the stakeholder record for the person you want to add a picture for
    2. In a separate tab, got to any web page that has a suitable (typically square) picture of that person. LinkedIn is a great source, so is their employers "meet our team" page.
    3. Using your mouse, drag the image from (2) to (1) and drop it on the image placeholder on (1).
  2. by using our LinkedIn bookmarklet integration. See Manage Stakeholders from LinkedIn with our Bookmarklet

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Updated: 2023-10-13
